When Japanese pianist Makoto Ozone last visited New York City, a not-so-funny thing happened. He was in the Big Apple in January 2020, planning to visit friends in advance of his next scheduled trip, an April 2020 appearance with his trio at Dizzy's Club.
was supposed to be there only for a few days, but I got COVID as soon
as I got there. So I had to lock myself up for about 12 days. I had
to cancel a gig in Germany because I couldn’t fly out,” Ozone
emailed me. He couldn't return that April because his Dizzy's Club gig, and
virtually all others in the jazz world, vanished thanks to the pandemic.
Shortly after his 2020 touring plans bit the dust, he started live-streaming solo piano concerts from his Tokyo home. He played every night for 53 consecutive nights. That initiative, “Welcome to Our Living Room,” drew more than thousands of viewers nightly. They included many musician friends and collaborators.