Jim Roberts is the Charlotte County Jazz Society's most frequent
visitor as a bandleader. The CCJS concert in Port Charlotte FL on Monday,
November 8 marked Roberts' 18th appearance dating to June
1991, when he was the organization's first concert performer.
Jim Roberts
moved from New York City to Orlando shortly after his first CCJS gig.
Through the years, he has brought trios, quartets, quintets and more. Since
2004, the sextet has been his steady band. He calls it his Saxtet
because of its brass-rich front line, which features talented
veterans Dan Jordan, Rex Wertz and David MacKenzie. Drummer Eddie
Metz Jr. and bassist Doug Mathews were the band's rhythm aces.
time out, Roberts had another twist. The band expanded to a four-horn
septet, with his wife, tenor saxophonist A.J. Roberts, joining the other reed players on three tunes.
Pianist, composer arranger and educator Roberts never lets his music sound stale or
dated on the concert stage. Freshness and vitality abound, even on the staples
you've heard at prior appearances.