Peter Anderson |
There is a notable, and rather robust, roster of jazz-playing
siblings through the years. A much leaner list of identical twins playing jazz
shows that most play different instruments. That makes sense. If you are
working together a lot as budding musicians, you need a variety of position players
in a band.
Peter and Will Anderson are identical-twin rarities
because they play the same instruments.* The saxophone- and clarinet-playing
brothers brought their finely honed skills to the Charlotte County Jazz Society’s
Artists Series on Monday, February 9. They performed in a non-traditional trio
format with guitarist Alex Wintz.
Will Anderson |
The Andersons, now 27, dig into the standard jazz songbook with
virtuosic skill and an uncanny ability to carry each other’s melodies and
improvisations forward. The trio format worked well because the Bethesda MD
natives alternated instruments most of the night (Peter on tenor sax or
clarinet, Will on alto sax, clarinet or flute). Guitarist Wintz combined the rhythm
roles of drummer, bassist and pianist rolled into one, with his solid, understated
playing. The Andersons’ arrangements also had the brothers taking a complementary
rhythmic role behind each other’s solos.